Monday, August 11, 2008

taxation without representation!

we didn't really understand humidity until washington dc. fortunately for us there were freedom pops! walking in the humidity is totally worth it in dc. did you know that the people of dc don't get to vote, except in presidential elections, because they aren't part of a state? they didn't get a mayor until 1975!

we stayed with my aunt maggie, who was in town getting ready for her new foreign service job in tanzania! she left the very next day. we scatter around the world and it becomes smaller and smaller. best buddies in london, friends in australia, aunts in tanzania. it boggles the mind. distance is measured by how long it takes to get there in an airplane. we talk on the phone via the internet in a video chat. technology!

we said hello to president obama's future home,

paid a visit to one of my favorite americans in the capitol building,
were wowed by the supreme court!

we were impressed by the revolutionary act of the signing of the declaration of independence!!!!
saw some crazy airplanes,
went to a marine parade at iwo jima!

and then we hopped down to our first colony, jamestown!

we happened upon a revolutionary war re-enactment at colonial williamsburg,

and were blown away!!! ha ha ha.

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