Tuesday, August 5, 2008

i never sleep, sleep is the cousin of death

we took a ferry from connecticut to long island and drove into manhattan. (it should be noted that where a ferry can be taken, we have done so.) what can you say about new york? you can say that it is fiercely busy and fun and beautiful and full of people that we love and art and music and bankers and parks. the best part being the people that we love.

justin, new transplant.
natural history museum. if i were a kid in nyc, i would have lived here.

the displays are perfect. and as a side note, jess' great grandparents were commissioned to hunt most of the african mammals displayed.

alec, in his office!

and edward cooper. edward cooper!!!!

1 comment:

KATE! said...

You have a new career, lady. As a photographer! Your pictures are amazinnnnnnngggggg!