Thursday, October 1, 2009

counting hundreds on the table, twenties on the floor

hello old friends.  what have you been up to lately?  it is so ridiculously beautiful here in santa barbara, you almost can't believe it.  it is bright and clear and blue for days.  there is something else we should talk about.  how i moved to santa barbara following the epic fail that was making it work in mammoth, and not one day later i met my synergy warrior amesia, who handed me, on a golden platter, my life.
that sounds dramatic but that is how it happened. 

now 1101 state st is home to the french press and arcobaleno trade, and todd and amesia and i are making it work, making beautiful coffee and selling beautiful things and getting it done.  i love coffee, i love espresso, i love people, i love standing behind a super hot la marzocco and talking to new friends and old.  i love the french press.  i love it so deeply i spend all day every day there working and growing it and making it real.  
it still is beyond me, just a little bit, that in less than 4 months my life could take such a turn and become what it has become.  i miss mammoth, i miss flippant little things like not knowing how to spend an afternoon.  i feel though, that i am finally inhabiting my bones, stretching out my fingers and testing their muscle memory and recalling why i kept coming back to coffee, to people, to business.  
so come see us.  we are lucky and dreamy and we know it.  


Alicia said...

We love you guys and are so happy you are doing so well. We hope to come someday to visit and share some tea/coffee and pastries with you. Logan has been dying to show you his skateboarding moves Todd.

XXXOOO and missing you.

Bitten said...

Julia! I'm so proud of you. I'm going to be in Los Angeles later this month, and I'm going to try and make it up to Santa Barbara to see your new shop. Send me an email, wouldja? I need your phone number.

Unknown said...

Hey! We met at Kate & Jason's baby shower, and I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you and your new enterprise. I remember lots of late nights after closing at Roma back in the day--I'm so glad that you're doing awesome new things with the space, and wish you all the best.