this is a fine sunday morning. my whole life sundays have been the one day a week that my busy family takes off. while i worked in santa cruz, i only really ever got one day off a week, if that, and i fiercely protected my sundays. they are made for resting, re-setting, eating big meals with your friends and family, slowing down, noticing things.

one thing i noticed while we camped on orcas island is that i do not like to camp near anyone else. i do not want my campsite to look out on anyone or anything man made. i get this from my dad, who (like me on orcas) will drive around until he finds the perfect hidden campsite. while we were living in mammoth, my dad told me that my grandpa used to be the exact same way when he was a kid, making them hike farther out if they were backpacking and saw another human.

i like that i am picky like my dad and my grandpa. i like being alone in the nature! fortunately todd is (for the most part) willing to put up with me pulling into a campsite, walking around, trying out the views, leaving, pulling into a new one and starting the process over.

do you know the story of puget sound? how a glacier a mile thick tore through the area and over 6000 years created all these inlets and islands? orcas is in the san juan islands at the top of washington's puget sound. it is a sleepy fishing island that somehow happened to get a world class skatepark that todd got to skate everyday, pretty much by himself.

the last day we were there, todd was skating the park with this little boy, probably about 10 i would guess. he had a packed lunch, you could tell his parents dropped him off at the park in the morning on the way to work. he kept asking todd how to do tricks, showing him these giant ants, offering him tic tacs. he was lonely and wanted a friend.

as we left todd gave him his skateboard. it was the best feeling i have had in a long time, watching this little kid be stoked beyond belief by todd.

magic. the pacific northwest is magic.

one ferry ride and an hour later in the car, we were at the border.

well hello canada! nice to meet you eh!